Studies are in, and children who grow up in book-filled homes have brighter academic futures and job attainment, superior skills in reading, math and even technology. Read the data [? link to studies].

Since 2010, Grassroots Books has given away XXXX children’s books at our Kids Book Giveaways. Now, with your help, we’re taking it to the streets—schools, community centers, day cares and businesses.
Here’s two ways you can get involved:
Host a Giveaway
Want to host a 50-book-per-kid giveaway at your school, in your neighborhood, or place of business? We make it easy.
You bring the kids, and we’ll bring the books—a truck-load of books.
We also help with set-up and supply promotional materials.
The giveaway cost is 25¢ per book. If you don’t have the budget, we can even help find a sponsor.
At the giveaway, kids get to pick 50-free books and get a free book card for their whole family and friends to shop at our store.
Additional books are just 25¢ each. You get to keep 25% of those proceeds for your organization or cause.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam dignissim sapien scelerisque, malesuada felis id, commodo erat. Nunc lacus sapien.
Sponsor a Giveaway
If you are an individual, or local business looking to make a lasting difference in our community, championing children’s literacy is a great way to go.
Every sponsor has their name or logo displayed on our Thank You wall in our kids room and at the event.
Nevada ranks #40 in the nation in education. Let’s turn that around, together.
Here are some sponsorship scenarios:
Kindergarten, small school, or back-to-school night:
100 kids take 50 books home each (5k books in one day or spread out over a few days).
Cost to the sponsor 25¢ per book:
Typical size school, grades K-2
200 kids take 50 books home each (10k books in one day or spread out over a few days).
Cost to the sponsor 25¢ per book: